About the PHD-course

This Ph.D. course is entitled "Multi-level modelling of type 2 diabetes" and it will go from Nov 26 to Dec 6, 2012, even though it is divided in 4 parts that may be chosen selectively. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex, expensive and rapidly spreading disease, which involves a malfunctioning in the complex glucose homeostasis. This homeostasis involves a number of organs, hormones, and control loops, acting both within and between the intracellular, organ, and whole-body levels. This complexity has led to the need for a hierarchical modelling approach, where individual experimental data are being interpreted using mathematical models, and where the resulting acceptable models are integrated in larger and gradually expanding multi-level models. This process involves a number of different research groups, working on different levels and organs. Many of these groups are now starting to produce some first meaningful models, which covers the most important systems and organs, and which are in the process of being integrated in a whole-body context.

To further this cross-talk between the involved groups, and to open the collaboration up also for other interested groups, we will now arrange a first Ph.D course on the topic. The course is intended for both experimentalists and theoreticians, and will be devoted to both experimental and theoretical developments and challenges. Teachers from the different groups will go through the state-of-the-art techniques and models for each sub-system, including both lectures and hands-on sessions, so that students after course will have an increased insight in the bigger picture within which he/she is working. The first two days of the course are open for people from all backgrounds, and give a general introduction to the field of modelling (for beginners), and to some advanced methods regarding multi-level and mixed-effect modelling (for experienced modellers).

With the hope of an interesting time in Linköping!

Gunnar Cedersund, course leader
