W4 "The Linköping Centre for Systems Biology"
PLEASE NOTE THAT WORKSHOP 4 IS ON CAMPUS VALLA, WEDNESDAY, AND ON CAMPUS HU, THURSDAY!As a finale to this series of workshops, we will round off by having a local workshop, intended for the further developments of our Linköping Centre for Systems Biology. This centre consists of some of 15 groups, situated in different departments, and we will during this day discuss various aspects of how the centre has and can evolve further in the future. In particular
- each formation (of research groups) should give a short overview of their latest research
- we will get a presentation of and by our newly recruited systems biology professors Jens Timmer (guest professor) and Mikael Benson (permanent and clinical professor).
- we will discuss the core-facility in modelling that is being started
- we will discuss and plan for the arrangement of the International Conference of Systems Biology in 2013 or 2014
- we will discuss possible funding sources, such as lobbying for becoming a strategy area
- have a joint dinner during June 22. Sign-up by sending an email to Pelle Lundberg (pellelundberg "at" gmail dot com)
With the hope of an interesting and productive two days!
Invited/intended participants
This workshop is open to all interested groups and students at the Linköping University, or that wishes to collaborate with us in some fashion from elsewhere.Preliminary schedule
June 22, at Campus Valla (Planck, IFM)13.15-13.30 Gunnar Cedersund, IKE, Welcome to the workshop
13.30-14.00 Peter Strålfors, IKE, Integration of mathematical modelling with experimental cell biology in insulin signalling
14.00-14.30 Fredrik Elinder, IKE, Modelling and experiments regarding heart and brain electrophysiology
14.30-15.00 Coffee
15.30-16.00 Tomas Strömberg, IMT, Modelling and experiments for tissue characterisation
16.00-16.30 Mikael Forsgren (Peter Lundberg, Olof Dahlqvist), CMIV, Modelling and experiments for virtual liver autopsies
16.30-17.00 Torkel Glad, ISY, Systems theory and its potential in systems biology
June 23, at Campus HU (Berzeliussalen, next to the HU library)
09.00-09.30 Mikael Benson, IKE, Systems biology as a tool for patient-specific diagnosis and treatment of allergy
09.30-10.00 Michael Hörnquist, ITN, Theoretical approaches to network characterisation
10.00-10.30 Coffee
10.30-11.15 Jens Timmer, Freiburg/IKE, Systems Biology of the Epo-Receptor
11.15-12.00 Joint discussions, Linköping Centre for Systems Biology
12.00-12.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Uno Wennergren, IFM/Theoretical biology, Modelling ecology, spread of disease, and animal welfare
14.30-15.00 Robert Forchheimer, ISY, Graph-theoretical approaches to modelling stem-cell differentiation
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.00 IEI (Matts Karlsson?), Systems biology and biomechanics of the heart
16.00-16.30 Robert Palmer, MathCore Engineering, Systems biology consulting and software development
16.30-17.00 Karin Lundengård (Jordi Altimiras), IFM, Modelling of heart adrenoreceptor de- and re-sensitization
Back to survey of all workshops.