Rapid developments in measurement technologies – Big Data – open the door to automated decision-support systems. Such systems can identify personalized diagnoses, tailored and thus more efficient treatments, and a better funneling of resources (Fig 1). Apps and devices with such capabilities are already on the market, so this development cannot be ignored. More and more, patients will and should demand that the enormous amounts of data that they themselves can contribute with must be integrated with public healthcare data. Such integrations raises many interconnected questions, both regarding data handling and quality ensurance, and regarding what the future role and training of physicians should be, when patients themselves have access to the same data and software that are used for the diagnoses. No existing center or agency has the capability to properly deal with these far-reaching questions. This workshop is part of the creation of a such a center (Fig 2).

Programme and practicalities

The schedule can be found here (LINK TO UPDATED SCHEDULE), and it contains three parts: i) a comparison and discussion of possible mergings between three recently submitted VINNOVA applications ii) Scientific presentations from companies and research groups from Linköping University, Region Östergötland, and related centres internationally. iii) final discussions on how we move further towards the creation of a functional center who can move us towards the long-term vision in Figure 3. If you want to join: send an email to All lectures are free. Lunches and dinner are free for the first 30 participants, then you need to pay yourself.
