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TBMT33 specific information

TBMT33 is a bachelor's project course (16 hp) in Systems Biology, given at Linköping university.

Practical information for students taking TBMT33

This course will consist of you working in a group of students, subdivided into pairs. Together, you will get a supervisor and an introduction to the project. During the course, you will hand in a set of documents, at three time points (start, half-time, and end of the project). For each of the three events, you will hand in a gradually more finished report, and give a presentation of your progress so far. More information about this can be seen at the end of this page, in the timeline of the course.

Timeline of the course

This is the basic outline of what will happen. All mandatory events and hand-ins are marked in italics


Week 3-6:

You meet your supervisor and get 1-2 pages of text describing the project. You learn systems biology in TBMT19. You read key references provided in the document. You meet your supervisor to have an initial talk about basic practicalities, possibly also including scripts and files.

Week 5-8:

You start to think more closely what the project is about, sketch the background and objectives. TBMT19 ends. You learn about how to write scientific texts.

Week 8:

First round of hand-ins, and first presentations

Deadline first hand-in is Wednesday February 22, at 13.00

  • Group contract
  • Time-plan and flow-chart of work
  • Report vs 1.0

Oral presentation for the other students. Mandatory presence 13-17, Wednesday February 22, IMT1 (~5min + discussion per group)

Week 9-12:

Feedback on reports and presentations. Make sure that you complete and report the computer lab in TBMT19, and that you pass the Dugga (or complete your extra assignment). Wrapping up your other courses. Start preliminary work on projects if you want to.


Week 13- 16 (first half of VT2), start March 27:

Start with project meetings & 100% full-time work. Each week each subgroup will have access to 40 min with your supervisor (i.e., a group with 3 subgroups will have 3*40min=2h every week).

April 20, 12-13:

Meet companies that does systems biology or other BME applications

Week 17: April 26, 13-17:

Report vs 2.0 and mid-term presentations. Mandatory presence

Mid-term presentation (~10min + discussion per group)

Feedback on report and presentations come later that week, on either Thursday or Friday; each group will book a time of 1h in the two allotted timeslots for the customer meetings.

April 27-28:

Mid-term customer meetings

May 15-17:

The conference Modelling in Biology and Medicine takes place in Linköping, come if you want!

May 22, at 10:00:

First hand-in of complete report vs 3.0

May 24, Wednesday:

Customer meetings (exact date can vary from this one)

May 29, Monday:

Hand-in of updated report, vs 3.1, which is complete enough to be able to present on the Wednesday. This version is sent to your opponents. Hand-in of poster for print. Send a pdf-file to your supervisor. Deadline 8.00AM

May 31, Wednesday, 13-17 Final presentations:

oral, poster, and opposition. Mandatory presence!

Oral presentation (~15min + discussion per group)

June 2, Friday,

Hand-in of final report after feedback from opponents and the final presentation.

Hand in updated reports until you are approved on report

After all else is completed: Hand-in of reflection document

Short additional info about the various documents

Group contract: An internal document for how you will relate to each other in the group.

Time-plan: How much will you work each week, using e.g., a Gantt chart.

Flow-chart: A graphical depiction outlining the main steps and how they interrelate

Report vs 1.0: Structure of the main chapters, a few pages (max 2-3 pages) of text in the background.

Report vs 2.0: Full background chapter, with corrections. Method section. Some figures and short texts in the results section. Max 10 pages for the Background chapter.

Report vs 3.0: All things present. You think the text is final and complete and ready to be printed.

Poster: An A0-sized piece of paper that specifies your results, including background and methods.

Opposition: You come with comments in pairs on another pairs’ project, both orally and in writing, see the opposition guidelines.

Reflection document: Handed in at the end. See: Guidelines for bachelor level and the additional questions provided by us.