Email with practical stuff

Dear participants in the workshop "Conclusions despite uncertainties",

the workshop is rapidly approaching, and here comes some practical last-minute information.

* The home page is now updated with a (pretty much final) programme. There you also find some other useful practical information. An even more detailed description of how to get there will be sent out later.

* I attach a list of names of the attendees

* You will get coffee in the breaks, lunch Saturday and Sunday, and a dinner Saturday evening at the restaurant Kniv och Gaffel ( Please write an email to if you have any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, allergies, etc).

* The workshop is divided in three sessions: optimization-based approaches, statistical/Bayesian approaches, and set-based/interval analysis approaches. These are complementary approaches to dealing with the same problem, but since I guess most of you are not familiar with all types of approaches, and since the underlying theories are quite different, I think it is a good idea to distribute basic papers in before-hand.

For optimization approaches, I suggest
i) Brännmark et al, JBC, 285(26):20171-9, 2010 (exemplifying a practical modelling example, where the concept of core predictions is used in practice) (link)
ii) Cedersund and Roll, FEBS J. 2009 Feb;276(4):903-22. (review of basic theory behind optimization-based model discrimination) (link)

For the Bayesian/SDE session I only suggest one, and hope that e.g. Joep or Andrei can complement this with one or two more on Bayesian stuff
i) Mortensen SB et al, J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2007 Oct;34(5):623-42. (link)

For the set-based/interval analysis session I suggest the below one for the first half, and hope that Michel Kieffer can suggest a basic paper for the related interval analysis approaches
i) Hasenauer et al IET Syst Biol. 2010 Mar;4(2):119-30. (link)

all these and the to-be-suggested papers are/will be available as pdfs on the workshop home page.

* We will have one time explicitly devoted to "group discussions". The exact structure of this event is not decided yet, so if you have suggestions, please feel free to propose them. The most straightforward suggestion is to have three groups, devoted to the three session topics, but one could also consider other, e.g. further specific, topics and groups.

* Finally, practical questions are best adressed to Rikard Johansson (, +46-(0)736 69 97 95), and programme and science-oriented topics are best adressed to me at +46-(0)702-51 2323

See you in Linköping in a few days! :)
Gunnar, Rikard, Pelle, Elin, Karin, Fianne, and the other members of the organising committee


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